2 days after lisfranc hardware removal surgery

2 days after lisfranc hardware removal surgery




 2 days after my lisfranc hardware removal surgery I was told to remove the dressing and ace bandage.  I wasn’t sure what my foot would look like, and I was surprised it wasn’t more swollen.

2 days after lisfranc hardware removal surgery

You can still see where my surgeon placed his initials and where I signed “yes!” indicating my right foot was the correct foot to be operating on.  My surgeon used the exact same incision for removing the hardware as he did for my original lisfranc surgery repair.

lisfranc hardware removal incision

After a shower I had to let my incision air dry and I needed to elevate and ice, something I know how to do!  My nurse told me the ice doesn’t have to be over the incision, and that icing the ankle will help just as much.  That knowledge came in handy since the incision area is very tender!

I have been keeping the incision covered with a large band-aid which protects the area from germs.  I remove the bandage daily to make sure the area around my stitches is not turning red with infection.

Lisfranc hardware removal surgical site

I have been meticulous about staying off my foot as much as possible and have been icing and elevating most of the time.  This has been hard, psychologically, for me because it seems like I have gone backwards in my lisfranc journey.  But I know, that in a little more than a week, my surgeon will remove my stitches and I will be able to resume walking again, and this time, I hope it will be pain free !

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